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Famous singer from Bukovyna

In the village of Dubivtsi, Kitsman district, Chernivtsi region there is a memorial plaque to Orest Rusnak. What is he famous for?


Орест Руснак

Orest Rusnak /born on the 27th of July, 1985/ has become the world-known opera singer. He had a wonderful tenor voice.

When he was a small boy he studied at the Chernivtsi deacon school at the teacher seminary. He could not finish his schooll because he was taken to serve in Austrian army. Then the First World War broke out and Orest did not come back to his native land. He lived abroad. In 1919 he entered Prague conservatory and began to work at the Kenigsberg Opera House.

Then Orest went to Milan to study the Italian school of signing at the same time to learn the Italian language. After that he visited many European towns and people adored him.

He visited Bukovyna in 1928 and in 1931, sang for his people and they enjoyed his singing greatly. In 1935 Orest visited Dubivtsi.

After the Second World War Rusnak sang in Austria, Canada, The USA. He was eager to return to Bukovyna but he could not because of communist regime.

Orest died on 23rd January, 1960 in Munich.

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